IoT (Internet of Things)

Dany Puertas
4 min readAug 31, 2021

The internet of things (loT), it could be said, is a structure of devices, digital objects, people, interconnected machines, which are provided with a unique identification device, with the ability to share data through the network.

Looking at it in another simpler way, the connection of people through mobile devices, computers or any electronic device, they connect to digital networks or the internet to be able to transmit information, that is basically the internet of things, since it allows us those connection between those things and the internet and networks, and through those things exchange information, send and receive data, not only people there are also many smart devices that can share information, in conclusion it is nothing more than the digital interconnection of everyday objects and Internet

“The TechTarget network of technology-specific websites giving you access to industry experts, content, and independent analysis wrote in its IT article “One thing in the Internet of Things can be a person with a heart monitor implant, an animal farm with a biochip transponder, a car that has built-in sensors to alert the driver when tire pressure is low or any other natural or artificial situation.Object that can be assigned an Internet Protocol (IP) address and that it can transfer data over a network” (La red TechTarget, What is internet of things (IoT)?)

To finish with the definition, let’s understand how loT works:

The devices and objects connected with sensors to an Internet of Things platform, which it does is form those data of those devices and analyze them to transmit the information with applications created to address specific needs.

Examples of things range from consumer-oriented devices such as wearable devices and smart home solutions (Consumer IoT) to connected equipment in the enterprise (Enterprise IoT), for example in a smart office, and industrial assets such as machines, robots or even workers in smart factories and industrial facilities” ( Industrial IoT , el componente esencial de la Industria 4.0).

Why is IoT important?

Internet of things helps people to connect more intelligently, to live and relate more easily, it helps to obtain greater control over their lives, by having greater accessibility. It also offers us smart devices that automate daily work in our homes, It is also a key factor for business, since with IoT companies can monitor how their systems are working, providing them with information about everything that happens around them. , from the performance of the machines, logistics operations, to the supply chain, it also provides knowledge of user behavior, increased productivity, since it is possible to efficiently manage the production stages. Similarly, repetitive or monotonous tasks are reduced.

Mexico City April 17, 2018. — Comstor, a SYNNEX Corporation company that operates in North and Latin America and focuses on security, collaboration, networking and data center, explains the benefits, risks and applications of devices connected by Internet of Things(Internet of Things, loT):

“The various changes that technological advances have had end up affecting many sectors of the economy in their communication and organization processes, also interfering in the daily life of users of technological devices in their way of interacting, working and having fun.

today’s technologies include IoT devices that allow you to connect various everyday devices, such as clothes, cars and household appliances, making it easier for people. “

The advantages and disadvantages of the internet of things are many and essential. The advantages offer us many possibilities and benefits for the human being, while the disadvantages present us with an insecure scenario in which we are not in control in the way we would expect. However, loT is a technology that has come to persist and that, therefore, leads us to improve some aspects to adapt it to make the most of its benefits, in the same way to minimize its possible risks.

IoT privacy and security issues:

The Internet of Things connects billions of devices to the Internet and involves the use of billions of data points, all of which must be protected. Due to its expanded attack surface, IoT security and IoT privacy are cited as top concerns.

“Security companies tested LOT devices reporting that among other findings regarding IoT devices, 70% of them have security vulnerabilities in their passwords, there is a problem with data encryption or access permissions, and 50% of mobile device applications do not encrypt communications. It was also found that a baby monitor camera could be hacked to intercept the video and in a coffee maker that transmitted information without encryption, the password of the Wi-Fi network where it was connected could be known.” ( Enupal, blog that creates quality content in the areas in which the information.)

And it is that as the number of connected devices increases and more information is transmitted between devices, the possibility that a hacker can steal confidential information also increases, the amount of information is so great that If there is an error in the system, it is All connected devices are likely to be corrupted, this is how businesses will eventually have to deal with massive numbers, perhaps even millions, of IoT devices, and collecting and managing the data from all those devices will be challenging.

